Sunday, October 19, 2008

Mootools 1.2.1 Released

Tom Occhino has released Mootools 1.2.1, a backwards compatible release that also features:

Element.Properties.html (element.set(’html’, html);) now works even with select and table element’s in Internet Explorer. Element:clone is also now faster than ever, and retains the values of form elements being cloned. A lot of work has also been done to fix some bugs in Class.js, and Safari 2 support is now back. With the help of Daniel Steigerwald, we’ve also cleaned up quite a few memory leaks in IE related to events and Element storage, and destroyed elements are now more effectively destroyed.

Tom also tells us what is new….

We are going to keep going through all the tickets, and try to start fixing the bugs that have cropped up with some of the plugins. 1.2.2 might also see a few new features as we start preparing for some exciting changes and additions we have planned for 1.3.

MooTools 1.2 will be the last version of MooTools to support Safari 2 and Opera 9.5. These browsers have been advancing at a tremendous pace, and have a user base which updates regularly, so we don’t think this will be much of an issue when the time comes. Note that you don’t need to worry about this for quite some time yet because 1.3 is a long way off, but we just thought this was a good place to let everyone know.

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