Monday, March 9, 2009


drails allows you to use RJS with Dojo in your Rails application. It completely replaces the need for Prototype/Scriptaculous in your application and let's you use the powerful Dojo Toolkit as your Javascript library.

The best way to see how to use drails helpers is to view the specs. Most people will be interested in prototype_helper_spec.rb and scriptaculous_helper_spec.rb. For a quick taste, here is an example of how you can create an link that replaces the "success_response" div on successful completion of an ajax call with the HTML returned by the server:

<%=link_to_remote "my link", :update => [ :success => "_response" ], :url => { :action => "myaction" }%>
<div id="success_response">...some html to be replaced...</div>

To see the usages for the drails generators for dojo modules, dijits, and build profiles, type this from the command line:

cd my_rails_app; script/generate dojo

drails comes with some handy rake tasks for incorporating dojo builds. To see what is available, type this from the command line.

cd my_rails_app; rake -T | grep drails

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