Monday, March 21, 2011

Linda, Tuples, Rinda, DRb & Parallel Processing For Distributed Computing

When building enterprise solutions often you start to get into orchestration of your data and process and really you just need to distribute your load. Traditionally this has been solved using MessageQueues, the occasional multi-threaded server (filled with pools and queues) etc, etc, etc. More recently solutions like Hadoop, Gearman, et el have sprung up but one way to solve this problem is with your own solution implementing Linda and tuple spaces.

There are a lot of open source and commercial software that can help with this paradigm but when you are building your own software then you sometimes just need straight up inter-process communication (without having to build your own socket based messaging platform) so that your software can pass objects off to another process (literally) in your architecture and parallelize the "crunching" of your data accordingly.

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