Sunday, October 5, 2008

Prototype out there

Just a short one, Prototype has a new point release that is a drop in replacement for your 1.6.* code:

Yesterday we released Prototype, the result of some much-needed bug fixes, and a stopgap release on the road to 1.6.1.

It’s a backwards-compatible, drop-in replacement recommended for all users of Prototype 1.6. We’ve fixed 30 bugs and made 25 other improvements to our already-rock-solid library.

Developers who follow along in Git might’ve noticed that the repository has seen a lot of disruptive activity in the last few days as we reassessed many of the commits that had gone into the library since April. Rather than try to fit too many fixes into one release, we decided to scale back and release with the set of improvements we were in complete agreement on.

We also updated the Google CDN so you can use Google to host your file via: We have also aliased “1.6″, and “1.6.0″ to this latest release, so if you are using that version, you automatically have the latest.

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