Thursday, January 22, 2009


Cross Browser, Cross Platform, JavaScript ORM

ActiveRecord.js makes it easy to begin working with databases in JavaScript on the client or server, with Google Gears & Chrome, Aptana Jaxer, Adobe AIR or any platform supporting the W3C HTML5 SQL Specification (currently Webkit and iPhone).


ActiveRecord.js is the first released component of ActiveJS a JavaScript framework initiative sponsored by Aptana. This project is still in it's early stages and we welcome your thoughts and ideas on the future of JavaScript application development. Since this is a GitHub hosted project, if you would like to directly contribute we recommend you fork the project and initiate a pull request to merge your changes.

Project Features

ActiveRecord.js is a single file, MIT licensed, relies on no external JavaScript libraries, supports automatic table creation, data validation, data synchronization, relationships between models, life cycle callbacks and can use an in memory hash table to store objects if no SQL database is available.

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