Wednesday, May 27, 2009

MoreMoney. A library to manage money

MoreMoney allows you to handle money without having to use a float/decimal field to store the amount in the database.

MoreMoney is a fork of the original Money gem written by Tobias Luetke

The original project can be found at:

Main differences from the original gem are the capability to manage the nil value, an increased flexibility in formatting and the support for any currency

Usage example:
require 'more_money'

#add the US dollar currency
MoreMoney::Money.add_currency({:code => 'USD', :symbol => '$', :description => 'us_dollar'})

#add the british pound
MoreMoney::Money.add_currency({:code => 'GBP', :symbol => '£', :description => 'gb_pound'})

#now is possible to instantiate some objects
ten_pounds = MoreMoney::Money.gp_pound(1000)
ten_bucks = MoreMoney::Money.us_dollar(1000)

=> "£ 10.00"

=> "$ 10.00"

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