Friday, June 26, 2009


The alpha of scripty2 is out, please head to to see the demos and grab a copy.

Also comes with on and offline documentation (probably the most requested feature!), courtesy of

This first release focuses almost exclusively on the complete rewrite of the effects engine, which is now much more flexible and allows for some pretty nifty tricks (but see the demos!).

Note it depends on Prototype 1.6.1_rc3 (a development copy and a minified version are included with the scripty2 download).

Also note that the API is not final yet, and it is not 100% compatible with the old effects API, major changes include:
  • Namespacing: now effects are called in this format: new s2.fx.Morph (...)
  • Reusable effects: need to call .play() on the effects instance, can .cancel() and .finish()
  • Default duration is now 0.2 secs
  • Transitions are much more versatile
If you use effects in the preferred $('element_id').morph() format, this still works and is encouraged.

A more thorough article and tutorial are forthcoming, will post once it's out.

Please discuss this alpha release on the new group:

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