Sunday, September 13, 2009


PHP and Web Development are perfectly married but Ajax interactions have always been difficult to debug. Applications like Firebug are extremely useful to deploy, debug, and generally for Web Applications development. These kind of softwares are still running via browser but both JavaScript and PHP require hard test, being dynamic programming languages, as dynamic is an Ajax interaction. There are several ways to debug Ajax calls but honestly I have never found one able to be integrated without effort and easy to manage directly via JavaScript and/or Firebog or whatever console is there ... This is the reason I have created a single, well tested, widely compatible and fast Error Debugger, where all we need to do is to require_once this single file for each Ajax called page. Everything else will become so natural that you will ask yourself why on earth nobody created such simple solution before. Most advanced PHP frameworks integrate an error manager able to make deploy and debug easier. Unofrtunately, too often these frameworks are not that simple to configure or are not scalable enough, even if what we are trying to do is extremely simple. For these cases and every other, Formaldehyde could be integrated without effort, at all! To better understand how Formaldehyde will change our daily WTF during Ajax interactions, words cannot compete with code and images.

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