Thursday, January 21, 2010

Jaml: beautiful HTML generation for JavaScript

Generating HTML with JavaScript has always been ugly. Hella ugly. It usually involves writing streams of hard-to-maintain code which just concatenates a bunch of strings together and spits them out in an ugly mess.

With Jaml, we can do exactly that. Jaml is a simple library inspired by the excellent Haml library for Ruby. It works by first defining a template using an intuitive set of tag functions, and then rendering it to appear as pretty HTML.

All we need to do is call Jaml.register with a template name and the template source. Jaml then stores this for later use, allowing us to render it later using Jaml.render(). Rendering with Jaml gives us the nicely formatted, indented HTML displayed above.

You can see live examples of all of the above at

Jaml currently sports a few hacks and is not particularly efficient. It is presented as a proof of concept, though all the output above is true output from the library. As always, all of the code is up on Github, and contributions are welcome :)

Jaml would be suitable for emulating a Rails-style directory structure inside a server side JavaScript framework – each Jaml template could occupy its own file, with the template name coming from the file name. This is roughly how Rails and other MVC frameworks work currently, and it eliminates the need for the Jaml.register lines. Alternatively, the templates could still be stored server side and simply pulled down and evaluated for client side rendering.

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