Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Rake RDocTask with all of the options stubbed out

# Rake RDocTask with all of the options stubbed out. do |rd| 
  1. # rd.external # run the rdoc process as an external shell
  2. # rd.main = "name" # 'name' will be the initial page displayed
  3. # rd.rdoc_dir = "html" # set the output directory
  4. # rd.rdoc_files = [] # List of files to include in the rdoc generation
  5. # rd.template = "html" # Name of the template to be used by rdoc
  6. # rd.title = "" # Title of the RDoc documentation
  7. # rd.options << "--accessor accessorname[,..]" # comma separated list of additional class methods that should be treated like 'attr_reader' and friends.
  8. # rd.options << "--all" # include all methods (not just public) in the output
  9. # rd.options << "--charset charset" # specifies HTML character-set
  10. # rd.options << "--debug" # displays lots on internal stuff
  11. # rd.options << "--diagram" # Generate diagrams showing modules and classes using dot.
  12. # rd.options << "--exclude pattern" # do not process files or directories matching pattern unless they're explicitly included
  13. # rd.options << "--extension new=old" # Treat files ending with .new as if they ended with .old
  14. # rd.options << "--fileboxes" # classes are put in boxes which represents files, where these classes reside.
  15. # rd.options << "--force-update" # forces to scan all sources even if newer than the flag file.
  16. # rd.options << "--fmt format name" # set the output formatter (html, chm, ri, xml)
  17. # rd.options << "--image-format gif/png/jpg/jpeg" # Sets output image format for diagrams. Default is png.
  18. # rd.options << "--include dir[,dir...]" # set (or add to) the list of directories to be searched.
  19. # rd.options << "--inline-source" # Show method source code inline, rather than via a popup link
  20. # rd.options << "--line-numbers" # Include line numbers in the source code
  21. # rd.options << "--merge" # when creating ri output, merge processed classes into previously documented classes of the name name
  22. # rd.options << "--one-file" # put all the output into a single file
  23. # rd.options << "--opname name" # Set the 'name' of the output. Has no effect for HTML format.
  24. # rd.options << "--promiscuous" # Show module/class in the files page.
  25. # rd.options << "--quiet" # don't show progress as we parse
  26. # rd.options << "--ri" # generate output for use by 'ri.' local
  27. # rd.options << "--ri-site" # generate output for use by 'ri.' sitewide
  28. # rd.options << "--ri-system" # generate output for use by 'ri.' system wide, for Ruby installs.
  29. # rd.options << "--show-hash" # A name of the form #name in a comment is a possible hyperlink to an instance method name. When displayed, the '#' is removed unless this option is specified
  30. # rd.options << "--style stylesheet url" # specifies the URL of a separate stylesheet.
  31. # rd.options << "--tab-width n" # Set the width of tab characters (default 8)
  32. # rd.options << "--webcvs url" # Specify a URL for linking to a web frontend to CVS. 

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