Tuesday, August 2, 2011


  1. rails-firephp gem
    Homepage: http://rubyforge.org/projects/rails-firephp/
    Rails plugin to go along with it: http://github.com/smith/firephp_rails/tree/master
  2. FirePHRuby
    Homepage: http://firephruby.rubyforge.org/
    Project Site: http://rubyforge.org/projects/firephruby/
Quick Reference
  • Install FirePHRuby with
    $ gem install firephruby

  • For Ruby on Rails put require 'firephruby' in your app/controllers/application.rb
  • In a Rails controller action do:
    fire_log 'Log message'
    fire_info 'Info message'
    fire_warn 'Warn message'
    fire_error 'Error message'
  • In an erb-template:
    <% fire_log 'Log message' %>
    <% fire_info 'Info message' %>
    <% fire_warn 'Warn message' %>
    <% fire_error 'Error message' %>
  • In CGI require 'firephruby'
    console = Fireruby::CGI.new
    console.log('Log message')
    console.info('Info message')
    console.warn('Warn message')
    console.error('Error message')
    or with plain WEBrick (similiar for Mongrel):
    require 'firephruby'
    # then within do_GET or a mounted Proc:
    response.fire_log 'Log message'
    response.fire_info 'Info message'
    response.fire_warn "Warn message"
    response.fire_error "Error message"
These examples all display the familiar

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