Friday, May 4, 2012

JavaScript Style Guides And Beautifiers

Recommended JavaScript Style Guides

  1. Idiomatic.js. This is not only highly recommended and very comprehensive, but is also the style guide we've adopted for several of the projects I'm involved in. It includes contributions by jQuery core contributor Rick Waldron, jsPerf contributor Mathias Bynens and many other experienced JS devs in the community. Not all developers agree 100% with the practices it advocates, but that's the great thing about a forkable style guide – it's easy to adapt to your own needs.
  2. jQuery Core Style Guide. Perhaps the most popular style guide modern JS developers are aware of, it is used by the jQuery core team, jQuery UI, QUnit and many other projects. Rick Waldron once again had a hand in this as have Adam Sontag and John Resig, also of jQuery fame.
  3. Google JavaScript Style Guide. Written by former Google JavaScript developers such as Robby Walker (Closure Linter), this contains several readability best practices that those from a particularly traditional software engineering background will appreciate. Further comments on it can be found here.
  4. Dojo Style Guide Another very comprehensive alternative by the people that brought us the excellent dojo toolkit. Interestingly this guide is based on the structure of the Java programming conventions guide. If you like what you see, you might also appreciate dojo's inline documentation sguide, which remains my favorite style of inline commenting in JS.
  5. Aloha Editor JavaScript Style Guide This guide comes from the authors of the relatively non-trivial contentEditable-based Aloha Editor. Whilst it recommends the jQuery style guide, it has some useful (minor) additions such as how they suggest styling AMD modules.
  6. Crock's Code Conventions For JavaScript Another good guide, although perhaps not as detailed example-wise as others. I feel this has been superseded by Idiomatic.js, but if you strongly disagree with it or the jQuery core style guide, this is a much recommended fallback.

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